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About AMY
Hi I’m Amy, wife to Trevor & mom to 3; Anthony, Kayla & Mya. I’ve lived in the Kansas City metro most of my life with the exception of moving 1/2 way across the country to be with the man I love, who I just happened to meet in an AOL chat room in 2001 (can you hear the dial up connection?!). It definitely wasn’t an easy decision given I was 22 and had a 4 year old son (Anthony) and was starting my career in healthcare. We got married about a year later, pregnant with Kayla and moved back to Missouri in 2003. We thought after Kayla we were done having kids but then the 7 year itch came back around and we decided we wanted to add one more to our family, Mya.
Locally my husband Trevor and I are known as the original owners of The Sweet Tooth, a Cupcakery in Blue Springs, MO, now known as Simply Frosted. Baking was always my jam from the time I was a little girl I loved bringing joy to others through baking. Never would I have imagined I’d own a bakery and be on Cupcake Wars with my husband Trevor by my side.
Opening The Sweet Tooth as well as running several other side businesses over the years has only been part of Trevor & my story. We push one another to be our best selves for each other, our children, our families, our friends and our communities. No, its not always cake. It takes a lot of hard work, patience, dedication, empathy, love and courage. But the rewards of taking risks and having faith are immeasurable.
Of course not all of our dreams are easy to achieve and they aren’t supposed to be. You see its all the shit we have to walk/work through (doubt, fear of failure, fear of rejection, financial fears, the what ifs/unknowns, the feeling of just wanting to give up and give in) that makes us strong enough to do whatever this journey called life throws at us. So what I’m saying is when we feel down or sorry for ourselves; stop and evaluate before acting, remember every action has a reaction. See the good in all that there is, appreciate it, learn from it and then act on it.
Sometimes we’re moving through life so fast we just forget to stop and appreciate all the beauty that surrounds us. It’s very easy to get wrapped up in the every day same routine especially in the workforce and lose sight of what’s most important to YOU. I left my full time healthcare management position December 4, 2020, because I finally started to see my own worth and realized I wasn’t doing anything but hurting myself mentally and physically by staying there which in turn my family often caught the brunt of it. Having an extremely patient and supportive husband by my side telling me that I do have options, felt like 1000 lbs was lifted off my shoulders. I always knew there were options but I was too often too scared of the unknowns.
Listen guys the potential is endless and for ANYONE. I have been told many times how awesome my family is and how lucky I am to have experienced all that I have. One of two things in that sentence is true. Yes, my family is awesome. No, it's not luck that we’ve accomplished so much and keep going on to do bigger and better things. We’ve put in the work and continue to do so.
To me entrepreneurship isn’t just about being a business owner and selling a product. It’s an opportunity to positively impact the lives of others. It’s about being able to reach as many people as possible in hopes that they too can see their own potential and go after all that they want in life.
We all know life isn't always rainbows and butterflies but if we just stop to appreciate those not so bright times, find the good and learn from it we can go on to do bigger and better things. Just believe it's all happening for a reason, believe in yourself and in time karma will answer.

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